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Oakland Sand Pits

Oakland Sand Pits


A letter from our viewers

I ran into your website completely by accident while on the lost in jersey site, and between the two sites, I was given a partial tour of my childhood. I moved to Oakland N.J. before I was a year old, 1967 and lived in Oakland until 1978 when I and my mother moved out west, Alaska and now Oregon. I decided to google a satellite vacation back to my old stomping grounds in Oakland (affordable, and thanks to a link to your site, quite enjoyable) while checking out abandoned sites I ran into Pleasureland which I'm quite familiar with and its surroundings. Mullers swim club for example which is as you probably know right behind pleasureland. there is more back there worth exploring that fascinated me as a young boy.
The Oakland sand pit is why I'm writing though, because there is an old church foundation back in the woods leading away from the industrial park, actually in the sand pit general area it was abandoned, obviously because of a natural spring that emitted from the basement, and formed a crystal clear pond out of the foundation. The reason I know it was a church is because the sharply pitched steeple and cross partially covered the foundation where the stream runs from the spring and over the side of the foundation. The whole eerie setting, hidden by deep woods is more unusual than anything I had seen in your website, and truly deserves a place front and center in your fantastic collection. Not only that, but in the fall when brush and trees defoliate there several junked car sites dating back to the 40s and 50s that expose themselves that time of year in the Oakland sand pit, and you wonder how the hell they got there. That place is dripping with history, and is worthy of a website of its own!
Thanks for reading.  Bruce

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